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    I would be honored to compose a new work for you or your ensemble! Commissioning is an extraordinary collaborative experience where a composer and performer/ ensemble bring a new work to life. Writing music for a specific group or occasion in mind is one of the great joys of being a composer.


    I like to begin the commissioning endeavor by sitting down (via interwebs or in person) with the commissioner to find out exactly what it is they are interested in. Approaching this process as a collaboration allows for a more rewarding product for all parties involved. Perhaps the piece is to commemorate a specific event or idea. Or to celebrate the opening of a new hall. Or for a concert opener for an honor or alumni band. Regardless if there is a specific reason behind the commission or not, I guarantee satisfying results! 



    A consortium is a group of individuals or ensembles that are interested in commissioning a new work. This is especially an effective idea for large ensemble works. Because there are several interested parties involved, the commissioning fee is divided amongst the group and thus more financially accessible to each party. All parties involved in the consortium process are recognized in the score and have exclusive rights to perform the work before others for a limited time. If you are interested in starting or becoming a part of a consortium, please email me at




1) Initial Discussions

     We discuss logistics- performing forces, length/ style of work, ideas/ inspirations, price, etc.


2) Proposal

      I provide you with a proposal for the piece, we discuss it, agree upon it, and get started!


3) Composing Process

      Once the piece is finished, I will deliver the score and parts to you (printed or electronic).


4) Premiere

      You premiere the work! As the commissioning party, you are always entitled to the benefit of the first performance!

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